Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Welcome to the Sea Trail Grandmas Blog! Bienvenue au blog de Sea Trail Grandmas!

We would like to welcome all current and new volunteers 
as well as anybody interested in our community service, 
to Sea Trail Grandmas blog. 
Since 2008 we have knitted, crocheted and sewn clothes for:
premature and newborn babies, children and adult chemo hats 
and Teddy Bears (used in surgery and emergency rooms). 
If you are interested, to knit and sew for your local hospital 
or your personal used, you can use our patterns (see page on right). 
For more information please contact us at: 
seatrailgrandmas@gmail.com and to see all the blog posts visit us at: www.seatrailgrandmas.blogspot.com
Bienvenue à tous! 
 Depuis 2008 nous tricotons et cousons; des vêtements 
pour les bébés prématurés et nouveaux nés, 
des chapeaux de chimiothérapie pour les enfants et les adultes,
des oursons pour les enfants 
(utilisés aux salles d'urgence et de chirurgie).
Si vous êtes intéressée à coudre et à tricoter pour votre hôpital local 
ou pour votre utilitée personnel, vous pouvez utiliser nos modèles 
(voir à droite de la page). 
Pour plus d'informations s.v.p. contactez nous a:
et pour voir tous les "posts" du blog visitez:


  1. love all the wonderful items you have made for the wee ones. I also have a preemie charity and would love to know where I can find the pattern for the wee gowns?? Some of my ladies would love to make some for our babiues. thank you :-)

  2. I've just discovered the Period of Purple Crying Initiative, which is using yarn crafts to heighten awareness of infant abuse. Here are links:


    I'm off to buy lots of purple hued yarn. :-)

  3. I just want to say thank you for posting the patterns. I too knit for preemie babies for "Babies in Need" here in Arizona and finding a new pattern is so encouraging:)

  4. I just came across your page and want to say what an amazing job you are doing...as the grandma of a preemie, your blog certainly touches my heart and inspires me to crochet for other preemies.

  5. I just saw this website on my iPad and despite the fact I haven't a clue who forwarded the details I think it's the most amazing act of hands across the world knitting to save the world one small innocent voice and life at a time! What a truly unique way to bring colour culture style warm and love to all those babies families and lives who may need it, united in one cause to make sure a life born too soon, does not leave use too soon! God bless all hands, all fingers united in this endeavour to continue...

  6. I made your "Preemie Crochet Blanket Diagonal Alternate Blocks" and the first one was not very square. I changed my pattern to read:Decreasing Rows: Row 37: Slip st across first 3 dc, CHAIN 1, (slip st, ch3, 3dc). I also added a CHAIN 1 on the turning after the slip st in last space/ CHAIN 1. This made a much tighter square and really looks nice!! Thank you for the pattern. I make "kangaroo" blankets for the preemies in our local NICU. KANGAROO'ing is when the parent holds the baby next to her bare skin on her chest. The baby can hear her heartbeat. I got to do this with our preemie grandson and we have a bond that cannot be broken. I tell him that he heard my heartbeat and stole my heart. He's now 19 and enlisting in the Air Force.

  7. I love your group! I am partially disabled so I can only sit and crochet all day. I'm running out of people to give my items to lol.
    This is a great idea and I would love to join! I am in Michigan is there anyone here I can hook up with? Looking forward to hearing from you. Also, need more crochet patterns I don't knit except for the basic top down patterns. I look forward to hearing from you!

  8. My 6-year old daughter broke her arm this week while vacationing at Bald Head Island. She took an ambulance to Brunswick hospital where she was greeted with a beautiful pillow case with matching bear sewn by your group. It brightened her spirits! When she got out of surgery she also had another bear and a beautiful knitted blanket to keep her warm while she stayed overnight. Thank you for making her visit in the hospital so welcoming and comfortable! We appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. It means a lot!

  9. Dear Monica, Thank you for your nice note. We are glad that we could help a little. We hope that your daughter his feeling better and we wish her well.
    Love, The Sea Trail Grandmas.

  10. waooo very nice post regarding ""Welcome to the Sea Trail Grandmas Blog! Bienvenue au blog de Sea Trail Grandmas!"


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  11. Thank you all so much for the very soft and precious blanket. We had a baby girl born at Brunswick Hospital last week and the nurses found a blanket with animals on it for our new little one (we are both veterinarians so it was perfect)! Thanks again, it was very appreciated.
