Friday, July 31, 2009


(Sweater, Pants, Booties, Hat and Mittens)

Free pattern for charitable purposes and personal use only. 
Please do not sell garments knit from it. 
Pattern and photos are by Michele Morrissette Lupien, 2012. 
All rights reserved.

3 ply Baby Soft Acrylic Yarn
Straight needles #8 or smaller for Sweater & Pants
Straight needles #5 or smaller for Booties
Straight needles #5 for Hat & Mittens
(for hat & mittens you can use double pointed needles to omit the seams)
1 darning needle
1 medium crochet hook
4 buttons
Abbreviations And Stitch Explanation
Garter stitch = Knit every row
K = knit
K2TOG = knit 2 together
M1 = (make 1) One increase worked by lifting horizontal thread lying between needles and placing it onto
left needle. Work this new stitch through the back loop.
P = purl
PSSO = pass slip stitch over (over knit stitch)
R = row
RS = right side
SL1K = slip 1 stitch as you knit
SL1P = slip 1 stitch as you purl
st(s) = stitch(es)
Stokinette = Knit 1 row, Purl 1 row
WS = wrong side
YF = put yarn in front of work
YO = yarn over (bring yarn in front of work and knit next stitch)
Starting at lower edge of back cast on 40 sts. Knit 6 rows.
Work in stockinette to 6” from start. End with a purl row.
Cast on 18 sts at the end of last row for sleeve.
Turn and knit the 58 sts, cast on 18 at end of row for the other sleeve.= 76 sts
Work on the 76 sts as follows:
Row 1: K5 for garter stitch cuff, purl to last 5, K5 for cuff.
Row 2: Knit.
Repeat last 2 rows to 3”, end after a Purl row.
Working both side at the same time.
Row 1: Knit 32 sts, bind off center 12 sts for neck, knit 32 sts end.= (32sts/32sts) 64sts
Row 2: K5, Purl on 27 sts for left side. For the right side attach a new skein, Purl 27sts, K5 = 64 sts
Row 3: Right side; Knit to the last st, M1, K1. Left side; K1, M1, Knit to the end.= 66 sts
Repeat rows 2 and 3, 2 more times. = 70 sts
Row 4: K5, Purl both sides, K5. = 70 sts
Row 5: Knit both sides. = 70 sts
Row 6: Left side, K5, Purl to the end of needle, cast on 7 sts. Right side, Purl to 5 last sts, K5.= 77 sts
Row 7: Right side, Knit to the end of needle, cast on 7 sts. Left side, Knit.= 84 sts
Row 8: Left side, K5, Purl 37 sts, K5. Right side, K5, Purl 37 sts, K5.= (42sts/42sts) 84 sts
Row 9: 1st GIRL BUTTON HOLE. Right side; Knit to the last 5 sts, K1, YO, K2TOG, K1. Left side; Knit.
Row 9: 1st BOY BUTTON HOLE. Right side; Knit. Left Side; K1, K2TOG, YO, K1, Knit to the end.
Row 10: Left side, K5, Purl 37 sts, K5. Right side, K5, Purl 37 sts, K5.= (42sts/42sts) 84 sts
Row 11: Knit both sides                                                      
A) Repeat Row 10 & 11; 11, 4 more times   
B) Repeat Row 10
C) Repeat Row 9: for 2nd GIRL or BOY BUTTON HOLE.
E) Repeat Row 10 & 11, 5 more times
F) Repeat Row 9: for 3rd GIRL or BOY BUTTON HOLE.
G) Repeat Row 10
H) Repeat Row 10 &11, 5 more times
I) Repeat Row 9: for 4th GIRL or BOY BUTTON HOLE.
J) Repeat Row 10
(If the front and back don't match, repeat again rows 9 and 10)
Knit 6 rows and bind off.
On right side, starting at right front edge, pick up and knit (+-) 45 sts around neck.
Knit those stitches for 10 rows. Bind off.
Sew under arms and side seams. Sew buttons.
Right leg
Cast on 33 sts, Knit 3 rows.
Continue to work in stockinette stitch (Knit 1 row, Purl 1 row) until the total length is 4 ¾”.
Increase 1 st both sides at knit row for 3 times = 39 sts. Work even in stokinette stitch until length total is 9.25".
Next row: K2tog *K3, K2tog, repeat from * across = 31 sts. Place on stitch holder (don’t cut yarn).
Left leg (New skein)
Work as right leg.
When you reach the last row, place right leg stitches on the needle, making sure K sides are correct.
(cut yarn keeping a long tail +- 10” to sew).
With all stitches for left leg and right leg = 62 sts, purl side facing you), Purl across.
Next row: P across
Next row: (purl side facing you) K1. *YO, K2tog, across to last st, K1 (eyelet stitch)
Next row: P across
Next row: Knit across
Bind off all stitches
With the piece facing you, sew center front seams to match up the last increase stitches. Now do the back seams to match up the last increase stitches. (This will take you now to the crotch area). Now sew the leg seams.
Make a crochet chain approximately 25”. Weave chain through the eyelet stitches of the waistband. Make sure each side is even, tie a bow.
Cast on very lose 45 sts
Knit for 1.25”
Increases; *K5, M1* across = 54 sts
Knit en stockinette to 4” from start
Shape crown:
Row 1 : *K7, K2TOG, Repeat from * across = 48 sts.
Row 2 : *P6, P2TOG, Repeat from * across = 42 sts.
Row 3 : *K5, K2TOG, Repeat from * across = 36 sts.
Row 4 : *P4, P2TOG, Repeat from * across = 42 sts.
Continue to decrease in this manner until there are 6 sts left.
Next Row: K6 sts across until cord measures 2.25”.
Leaving 8” tail, thread tail through the 6 sts.
With darning needle sew cord and hat.
Knot cord.
Cast on 18 stitches
Knit 12 Rows
13th row Increase: *Knit 3, Make 1* across = 24 sts
Work in stockinette to 2” from start.
Next row; Knit 2 sts, Knit 2 sts together = 18 sts
Next row; Purl 1 st, Purl 2 sts together = 12 sts
Next row; knit 2 sts together = 6 sts
Cut yarn (keeping a 12” tail).
Draw tail onto the 6 stitches.
Sew the side’s mitten.
Cast on 27 sts
1st row: (WS) Knit
2nd row: (RS) K1, M1, K12, M1, K1, M1, K12, M1, K1 = 31 sts
3rd row: (WS) Knit
4th row: (RS) K1, M1, K14, M1, K1, M1, K14, M1, K1 = 35 sts
5th row: (WS) Knit
6th row: (RS) K1, M1, K16, M1, K1, M1, K16, M1, K1 = 39 sts
7th row: (WS) Knit
Knit 6 rows.
1st R: (RS) K15,K2TOG, K5, SL1K, K1, PSSO, SL1K, YF, Turn
2ndR: (WS) K2TOG, K5, SL1K, K1, PSSO, YF, SL1P, Turn
3rd R: (RS) K2TOG, K5, SL1K, K1, PSSO, SL1K, YF, Turn
4th R: (WS) K2TOG, K5, SL1K, K1, PSSO,YF, SL1P, Turn
5th R: (RS) K2TOG, K5, SL1K, K1, PSSO, SL1K, YF, Turn
6th R: (WS) K2TOG, K5, SL1K, K1, PSSO, YF, SL1P, Turn
7th R: (RS) K2TOG, K5, SL1K, K1, PSSO, SL1K, YF, Turn
8th R: (WS) K2TOG, K5, SL1K, K1, PSSO, YF, SL1P, Turn
9th R: (RS) K2TOG, K5, SL1K, K1, PSSO, K to end of R=21sts
10th R:(WS) K14, M1, K7 = 22 sts
11th R:(RS) K7, K2TOG, K13 = 21 sts
12th R:(WS) Knit
K1 *YO, K2TOG* repeat, to end of row.
Knit in garter stitch for 26 rows finishing on WS.
Cast off very loose, keeping a 12” tail.
Turning sock on WS and matching rows, sew sock.
Crochet a chain 12”long. Thread chain through holes and tie a bow.
Turn cuff.

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