Friday, July 31, 2009

Baby Set for Preemie And Newborn

BABY SET “Woven Style Knit Pattern”
Free pattern for charitable purposes and personal use only. 
Please do not sell garments knit from it. 
Pattern and photos are by Michele Morrissette Lupien, 2013. 
All rights reserved.

Light (3 ply) soft baby acrylic yarn
(Complete Set 15 oz. – 1086 yds. / 420 g – 993 m)
(Blanket and Hat 10 oz. – 724 yds. / 280 g – 662 m)
(Hat, Booties and Mittens 2 oz. - 145 yds. / 56 g – 133 m)
(Sweater 4 oz. - 290 yds. / 112 g – 266 m)
Sweater: Circular Needles U.S. #6 / 4.25 mm
Sleeves and hat: Double pointed Needles U.S. #6 / 4.25 mm
Mittens and Booties: Double pointed Needles U.S. #4 / 3.5 mm
Blanket: Circular Needles U.S. #6 or #7 / 4.25 mm or 4.5 mm
2 stitch holders or pieces of yarn (for sweater)
Tapestry needle
4 buttons 5/8”
*Optional; Crochet Hook U.S. #E / 3.5 mm (If you wish to crochet a single crochet stitches around edges)
-Increase “inc. 1 st in next st”; knit the stitch as usual, but don’t slip it off the needle. Now knit in the back of the same stitch
-K; knit
-P; purl
-st(s); stitch (es)
-yo; yarn forward and over needle to make a stitch
-SLK; slip 1 sts like if you knit
-psso; pass slip stich over
-YF; yarn in front
-K2Tog; Knit 2 stitches together
-P2Tog; Purl 2 stitches together
-Cable Cast On 132 sts
-Knit 10 rows
Row 1 & 2:  K5, *K1, P1* repeat from* to the last 5 sts, K5
Row 3 and 4: Knit
Repeat Rows 1 to 4, 42 more times
K 8 rows
Bind off.


-Cable Cast on very loosely 52 sts (16-20-16).  Join to knit in round.
1-8- Ribs; knit 2 sts, purl 2 sts (8 rounds)
9- PURL 1 round
10-* K25sts, “inc. 1 st in next st”* repeat 1 time = 54 sts
PATTERN 11-12-13-14-
11-12-*K1, P1*
13- PURL
14- KNIT
15-46- Repeat pattern (8 more times)
Bind off all sts.
Sew top.  Turn Cuff.  Make 2 tassels
1st bootie; Keeping a 10" tail
Cable cast on 32 sts. Separate on 3 double pointed needles (14-4-14).  Join to knit in round
1st round;
-Purl around
2nd round;
-Needle#1; “inc. 1 st in first st”, K13 = 15 sts
-Needle#2 “inc. 1 st in first st”, K1,“inc. 1 st in next st”, K1 = 6 sts
-Needle#3; K12, “inc. 1 st in next st”, K1 = 15 sts (TOTAL 36 sts)
3rd round;
-Purl around = 36 sts
4th round;
-Needle#1; “inc. 1 st in first st”, K14 = 16 sts
-Needle#2; “inc. 1 st in first st”, K3, “inc. 1 st in next st”, K1 = 8 sts
-Needle#3; K13, inc. 1 st in next st, K1 = 16 sts (TOTAL 40 sts)
5th round;
-Purl around = 40 sts
6th round;
-Needle#1; “inc. 1 st in first st”, K15 = 17 sts
-Needle#2; “inc. 1 st in first st”, K5, “inc. 1 st in next st”, K1 = 10 sts
-Needle#3; K14, “inc. 1 st in next st”, K1 = 17 sts (TOTAL 44 sts)
7th round;
-Separates sts (18-8-18) = 44 sts / Purl around.
1st round;   K around
2nd round;  P around
3rd to 8th round;   repeat 1st and 2nd rounds two more times (4 ribs) (8 ribs total after the Cast on)
Instep: (work on N#2 “toes”, knit and slip sts from sides)
-Needle#1; K 18
1-Right side:
K2tog, K4, SLK, K1, psso, (put aside the empty needle and continue to work with N#2 on side needle) YF, SLK, turn your work (take back the empty needle)
2-Wrong side:
K2tog, K4, SLK, (put aside the empty needle and continue to work with N#2 on side needle) K1, psso, YF, SLK, turn your work (take back the empty needle)
3- to 10-: (same as 2-)
11-Right side:
K2tog, K4, SLK,(put aside the empty needle and continue to work with N#2 on side needle) K1, psso.
*Now we have 6 sts on the instep needle and 8 sts on the 2 other needles = 22 sts*
-Needle#3; K 8 sts = 22 sts (8-6-8)
1st round:
-Needle#1; K2, “inc. 1 st in next st”, K2, “inc. 1 st in next st”, K2 = 10 sts
-Needle#2; Between N#1 and N#2 pick up 2 sts (loops) and K2tog, k5, “inc. 1 st in next st” = 8 sts
-Needle#3; K2, “inc. 1 st in next st”, K2, “inc. 1 st in next st”, K2 = 10 sts
2nd round: 
-Purl around = 28 sts
3rd round: 
 *K2Tog, yarn over* repeat  around (Eyelet row)
1- Purl
2- Knit
PATTERN 3-4-5-6-
3-4- *K1, P1, repeat*
5- Purl
6- Knit
7-14- Repeat pattern (2 more times)
15-18- Ribs; K2, P2 (4 rounds)
-Loosely bind off in ribs pattern. Weave in ends.
2nd bootie; Work as 1st bootie.
On wrong side sew the sole seams. Weave in ends.
-Crochet two 12" chains and pass through the ankle eyelets row.
-Cable Cast on loosely 24 sts (8-8-8).  Join to knit in round.
-Ribs; knit 2 sts, purl 2 sts for 6 rounds.
1- Purl
2- Knit
PATTERN 3-4-5-6-
3-4- *K1, P1, repeat*
5- Purl
6- Knit
7-14- Repeat pattern (2 more times)
15-16- repeat 3-4-
17- Purl
18- K2, K2Tog = 18 sts
19- Purl
20- K1, K2Tog = 12 sts
21- Purl
22- K2Tog = 6 sts
23- Purl
Cut yarn leaving a tail (4 inches) and thread tail through the remaining stitches, one at a time, and take them off the knitting needle.
Pull tail tight by the inside of the work, turn work on wrong side.  Secure tails by making a knot with the darning needle.  Weave in ends.
*Knit neck down*

Cable Cast On 48 Stitches
*Optional; slip each 1st stitch at beginning of each row* (make a nice edge if you don’t crochet around)
1-4- KNIT
5- (RIGHT SIDE) 1st Button Hole (girl; K to the last 6 sts, K1, K2tog, yo, K3) (boy or unisex; K3, yo, K2TOG, K1, K to end of row)
7- 8- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
10- (WRONG SIDE) K6, *k1, inc. 1 st in next st, repeat*, to the last 6 sts, k6 = 66 sts
11-12- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
13- KNIT
14- (WRONG SIDE) K6, *k2, inc. 1 st in next st, repeat*, to the last 6 sts, k6 = 84 sts
15-16- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
17- KNIT
18- (WRONG SIDE) K6, *k3, inc. 1 st in next st, repeat*, to the last 6 sts, k6 = 102 sts
19-20- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
21- KNIT
22- (WRONG SIDE) K6, *k4, inc. 1 st in next st, repeat*, to the last 6 sts, k6 = 120 sts
23-24- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
25- KNIT
26- (WRONG SIDE) K6, *k5, inc. 1 st in next st, repeat*, to the last 6 sts, k6 = 138 sts
27-28- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
29- (RIGHT SIDE) 2nd Button Hole (girl; K to the last 6 sts, K1, K2tog, yo, K3) (boy or unisex; K3, yo, K2TOG, K1, K to end of row)
30- (WRONG SIDE) K6, *k6, inc. 1 st in next st, repeat*, to the last 6 sts, k6 = 156 sts
31-32- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
33- KNIT
34- (WRONG SIDE) K6, *k7, inc. 1 st in next st, repeat*, to the last 6 sts, k6 = 174 sts
35-36- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
37-38- KNIT
39-40- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
41-42- KNIT
43-44- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
45- Knit 28 sts, Slip 34 sts of sleeve on stitch holder, Knit 50 sts, Slip 34 sts of sleeve on stitch holder, Knit 28 sts. (28-34-50-34-28) =174 sts (less 68 sts for sleeves) = 106 sts for the body
46- KNIT
47-48- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
49-50- KNIT
51-52- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
53- (RIGHT SIDE) 3rd Button Hole (girl; K to the last 6 sts, K1, K2tog, yo, K3) (boy or unisex; K3, yo, K2TOG, K1, K to end of row)
54- KNIT
55-74- Repeat row 39-42- ( 5 times)
75-76- K6, *K1, P1, repeat to the last 6 sts* K6
77- (RIGHT SIDE) 4th Button Hole (girl; K to the last 6 sts, K1, K2tog, yo, K3) (boy or unisex; K3, yo, K2TOG, K1, K to end of row)
78- KNIT
79-82- Repeat row 39-42- (1 time)
83-89- KNIT (7 rows)
Bind off all sts.
1st Sleeve
-Slip sleeves 34 sts from holder to 3 double pointed needles (11-12-11)
-Underarm, pick up 2 sts each sides (strings between stitches) (13-12-13) = 38 sts
1-Keep a 4" tail, starting at armpit right side of work facing you, P2Tog through the back loop, Purl until the last 2 sts, P2Tog through the back loop = 36 sts
PATTERN 3-4-5-6-
3-4-*P1, K1, repeat*
7-22- Repeat the 4 pattern rows (3 more times)
23-24- Repeat rows 3-4-
25- PURL
26- K2, *K2, K2tog* until last 2 sts, K2 = 28 sts
27-32- Ribs; K2, P2 (6 rounds)
-Loosely Bind off in ribs pattern. 
2nd Sleeve 
-Work as first sleeve
Sleeves;  Sew a couple of sts underarms with tail.  Weave all ends. Sew buttons.
Corrected on 6/19/13

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